Posts Tagged ‘neighbour’
A simple thank you goes a long way. I keep thinking about how many people are so trapped in their thinking about what they don’t have. The big screen TV that their neighbor has, the cars, the houses etc.
I came from Africa where poverty is rampant. I now live in the US where poverty of a different kind is rampant. There is a poverty of thankfulness for all the blessings that we have here. I have a house, thank you Lord. I have a lovely wife and two wonderful boys, Thank you Lord. I have food on the table and a Christmas tree, Thank you Lord. I have family, extended family and church family who choose to share their love and their lives with me, Thank you Lord.
I have clean water, heat in the winter and electricity, Thank you Lord. I get to touch peoples lives with hope and blessing and share experiences with friends.
If you do not know what it means to be grateful and thankful take a trip to Zimbabwe for a year. Go without Water for Days on end. Go without electricity and have an erratic power schedule. Go to the store and find nothing of value on the shelves and what you can find is 3 times the price here in the US while earning 1/100th of what you would in the US if you are lucky enough to have a job.
All my years growing up there, while we may not have had everything we wanted we could always share a smile, share some love, have a meal together and laugh.
Reality Check : Lets get back to the basics. Loving family and friends and sharing life is a great way to live. we dont need all the stuff that America craves. If we can connect with our creator and each other we will find a depth of life that brings great joy and celebration.