
Are We Destined To Win?

   Posted by: Wayne Armstrong   in Books, Inspirational, Straight Talk

Are We Destined To Win?

What is your passion? Are you significant? Do you have a destiny or is your life a random set of circumstances? How do you view your identity and does it affect your choices? Is it even important that you have an identity and destiny? These are all really hard questions to answer and typically people spend lifetimes trying to discover the answers. I am no exception.

On this journey of life I am always looking for inspiration and clarity, as such I am currently reading through Destined To Win: How to Embrace Your God-Given Identity and Realize Your Kingdom Purpose by Kris Vallotton a leader and pastor out of Redding California.

It was one of the books I have recently been eyeing for a while as I always find Kris’s insights enlightening.

As a disclaimer I will say upfront that I did receive a copy of the book from the author for review purposes and will do my best to provide some of the insights I get and an honest reflection of my thoughts. #destinedtowinbook

I was initially drawn to his book because one of my great joys is helping people find their passion and calling that people commonly refer to as destiny. I believe this book is a great practical resource in helping you clarify what moves you.

So here is just a quick taste of some of my noted quotes from chapter two.

Dealing with the soul.

Why are so many people looking at the modern church and just seeing hypocrites and not authentic believers? Why am I hypocritical in some areas and afraid of living authentically?
Kris points out a potential reason through asking a great question. “Why do we pretend? I think it’s because we are all born with an intense need to feel significant, loved, valued, and accepted; yet we fear that we are not worthy of these things.”

If you have grown up in a religious atmosphere in any way either consciously or unconsciously we have held that developing our spirit as more essential and valuable than looking after our soul and body. Sometimes this is fueled by a deficient understanding of scripture.

At times when a person is experiencing the favor of God and succeeding in an area outside of what is deemed non spiritual then phrases such as, “They are so walking by the flesh and not the spirit.” are thrown in their direction.

Kris breaks down and expounds his points further scripturally and for the richness of that you would need to get a copy of the book.

One final quote for today.

Dear friend, I pray that you may prosper in every way and be in good health physically just as you are spiritually. 3 John 2
“Did you notice that prosperity and health are directly related to your soul and not your spirit?…It’s imperative that we first acknowledge and then manage the needs of our souls. Otherwise, we will find ourselves drowning in the sea of humanity, starving for love, affection, acceptance, significance, attention, and approval.” (p.12)



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